CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) program activities employ elements of environmental criminology; design considerations and effective use of the built environment that lead to a reduction in fear and the incidence of crime, and an improvement of the quality of life. The pride that a community shows by keeping streets clean and managing graffiti in a timely manner is reflected through the behaviour of citizens living in and visiting the neighbourhood. The CPTED program seeks to influence behaviour and encourage stewardship to reduce further acts of vandalism and supports the goal of the Vancouver Police Department to reduce property crime.


With equipment supplied through the City of Vancouver’s Neighbourhood Cleanup Party campaign, teams of volunteers target areas recorded or reported for ongoing littering. Clean-ups are performed year round in all weather conditions with the reward of a shared meal afterward to collect statistics and exchange observations. By concentrating clean-up efforts in areas identified by residents, volunteer patrols, and discarded needle mapping, the GWCPC has helped demonstrate environmental improvement by increasing residents' sense of safety with less litter present between visits and reduced numbers of needles. Clean-ups are scheduled as a group activity on the first weekend of each month. Clean-ups have a huge impact on our local neighbourhoods. Removing litter not only makes the neighbourhood cleaner, it also makes it safer. Research has shown that systematic removal of garbage can greatly reduce crime, vandalism, and mischief.

1st Saturday of Every Month - 10AM - 12PM
3rd Saturday of Every Month - 9AM-12PM
1977 Commercial Drive

The GWCPC has gathered a supply of paint, rollers, brushes, trays and other materials offered by the City of Vancouver through the VPD along with other community gifts-in-kind to contribute to civic graffiti abatement initiatives. The GWCPC is committed to an ongoing campaign to repaint commercial waste containers that are often neglected and can remain defaced for long periods. Ongoing documentation of damage to public art murals and shared reporting with the City of Vancouver and local Drive BIA have assisted in prompt removal of new incidents of graffiti from public and commercial premises. The GWCPC has produced and distributed a brochure explaining the responsibilities of the graffiti bylaw that included prevention strategies and solutions for removal.

1977 Commercial Drive
Last Saturday of Every Month - 10AM - 12PM
Weather permitting
Email: info@gwcpc.ca